Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Importance of Vowels

The Importance of Vowels Suzy S. If youve been taking singing lessons for a while, youve probably practiced several silly warm-up exercises. You know, the ones where youre making funny faces and sounds, saying nonsensical phrases, and so on. All of these exercises have one common goal: to prepare the voice and help you learn to keep your mouth and throat open. Read on as Seal Beach instructor Carl B. explains why vowels are important for this very reason A few years ago I coined a phrase that clarifies the importance of focusing on the vowels while singing.   It is: “A song is a series of songs called vowels.” Each vowel should be perfectly formed, sung as beautifully as if it were a song unto itself, and sustained as long as the song allows, regardless of genre. The international singing vowels are ah, eh, ee, oh and oo.   These are the vowels sung in Italian, and also in Hawaiian.   I have read arguments that there are actually 7 vowels in Italian, and I leave that discussion to others for now.   Other languages also have additional vowels, for example in English we also have uh, ih and aa. The reason that we focus on vowels while singing is that vowels are the most open and also the most beautiful sounds we can make with our voice.   Because vowels are the most open sounds, the audience hears them best, and so hears the beauty of your sound, your personality, and the emotion in your song. Rather than use the term “resonance area,” I use a more descriptive term, “echo chamber,” because the throat is the echo chamber we use to enhance the sound of our voice.   As mentioned in my previous article, we create an echo chamber in our throat by implementing the beginning of a yawn.   In doing this, each perfectly-formed vowel creates its own particular echo chamber areas.   If a vowel is not perfectly formed, we lose some of that vowel’s particular echo chamber areas, and thus reduce the beauty of the sound and the emotion. Many singers do not realize how well their vowels are or are not being formed.   Even very good singers can lose focus on their vowels and think they are forming perfect vowels when they are not.   The reason most people say “That’s not me!” the first time you hear yourself on an answering machine or other recording is that we dont hear ourselves primarily through our ears, as others hear us.   Instead, we hear ourselves primarily through the vibration of our jaw bone.   The only way to truly hear yourself as others hear you is to listen to yourself in a recording. When you begin taking perfect vowel formation seriously, youll be surprised at the improved sound of your recordings, and also of your audience’s more emotional response to you and your singing. Carl B. teaches singing and speaking voice lessons to students of all ages in Seal Beach, CA. Carl  teaches singing in English, Italian, Spanish, German, in all styles including pop, jazz, classical, country western. He joined the TakeLessons team in August 2012. Visit TakeLessons to search for a vocal teacher near you! Photo by michael_swan.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Why An Online English Tutor Scores Heavily Over Offline Tutors

Why An Online English Tutor Scores Heavily Over Offline Tutors 0SHARESShare A native English tutor always delivers the best results Finding an appropriate online English tutor is an enormously baffling activity with a view to talk, read and compose English just like a local English speaker. There are numerous online destinations that give English instructing administrations with live features that you can look at. Anyway, before you enlist for English classes, you ought to stay assured that the online English tutor that you are going to opt for, has all the essential capabilities. To discover the best English mentor on the web, you have to check the capabilities as a feature of a first step. You have to check whether they have a degree or a capability with English as a significant subject. When compared, online sessions are the better ones As online destinations are the best place to discover English guides, you have to check their experience before enlisting for a course. The instructor can likewise be skilled at secretarial preparing with a rich official experience. He or she would be perfect to arm you with the spelling, sentence structure and vocabulary needed for succeeding in the genuine business world. Having learning sessions from an online English tutor is just similar to a virtual school classroom and you ought to check whether the hours offered are suitable for your work plan. Going online is the easiest way to find a native English tutor One of the main advantages of opting for online tutors in English is that you can very easily get a native tutor for all your leaning needs. Needless to say, when it comes to leaning a foreign language with any purpose in mind, only a native English tutor can deliver the expected results. The phenomenal of online tutoring is not confined to any geographical boundaries and available to all learners across the world. Regardless of the geographical location, one can have an easier and quicker access to an  English assignment help  just through a few clicks. [starbox id=admin]

Algebra Mixture

Algebra Mixture We know Algebra mixture problems are problems which find a final solution by adding or subtracting of two or more results of the same problem. We have some steps to derive the solution. Step 1: from the problem, we can write an expression for some variables. Step 2: If we have two equations, from that we need find the solution, by adding or by subtracting of equations. Example 1:If the angles A and B are complementary angles. The angle A is 21 more than twice the other angles B. Find the angles A and B. Solution: The given angles are A and B. We know complementary means 90 From this we can write, A + B = 90 (1) From the problem we can write A = 2B + 21 Means A 2B = 21.. (2) From (1) and (2), we can write (1) (2) A + B = 90 A 2B = 21 - + - 3 B = 69 Divide this by 3, then we have B = 23. From problem (1), A + B = 90 A + 23 = 90 A = 67 The final answer is A = 67 and B = 23. Example 2: Robert and Peter started a business. In that business Robert invested $5000 and Peter invested $3000.Find the ratio of their shares. Solution: Roberts share amount = $5000 Peters share amount = $3000 The ratio of their shares = 5000: 3000 = 5: 3. Hence the ratio of their shares is 5:3

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Helping Young Adult Excel Through Summer Programs - Private Tutoring

Helping Young Adult Excel Through Summer Programs BobbiM Jun 8, 2013 How can we Help Young Adults Excel Through Summer Programs? Summer is a time that virtually every child looks forward to all year long. While some individuals may view summer as an opportunity to lay around the house and sleep until noon every day others see a wealth of potential in allowing a child to grow through experiencing new adventures. Helping a child achieve personal excellence through participating in summer programs for high school students allows them to get ahead in life by learning something about themselves and developing their skills. These benefits will help them as they grow older and find themselves making decisions about their career choices as well as many of lifes other challenges. There are many different types of summer programs for high school students that are available. Many of these programs are specific to a given location. Parents who live in the area may wish to have their child participate in these programs or they may make the decision to send their children to programs in different areas of the country. It is safe to say that there is a program available for virtually every interest. There are also both short-term and long-term programs available which allows students to take advantage of a variety of different activities. Career Exploration Many summer programs for high school students help them to earn money. Students may also be able to take advantage of attending summer programs which allow them to explore a given career field as a means of determining their interests and further pursuing the profession. There are many summer programs available to help students decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives by giving them the opportunity to be directly involved in a profession for a period of time. This is accomplished through allowing them the chance to participate in the same activities they would be doing if they held this profession and giving them the chance to see what it is really like from a first-hand point of view. This type of experience can prove to be extremely valuable when helping young adults decide how they want to spend the rest of their lives. Traveling Students also have the opportunity to travel during many of the summer programs. The program itself may be designed to expose a student to other cultures and allow them to experience the way that people in different parts of the world live. This is often true of sponsored trips to other countries. Moreover, a student may have the opportunity to travel within the United States if he or she wishes to attend a summer program that is not offered locally. For example, individuals who are interested in participating in a summer program that involves researching marine mammals will have to travel to an area that offers such programs if they live in areas away from the water. This too proves to be a valuable experience because it allows students the chance to see if they can realistically expect to be happy working in a given profession as well as living in a different geographic location. Private Tutoring Some students may find that they need additional help with academic subjects in order to prepare themselves for college. Still others may wish to get a head start on their college career by learning subjects that are not offered to them through their local school system. In either case, hiring a summer private tutor to assist the student with his or her needs can prove to have a dramatic impact on academic performance later on. A summer private tutor can be hired locally or through a virtual tutoring program. There are many opportunities that are available to high school students in order to help them achieve success later in life. Summer programs and private tutoring are just two of the most popular avenues. High school students have a myriad of choices available to them regarding both their college and professional careers and making wise choices while they are out of school for the summer can help them to get ahead after they graduate from high school. In addition, taking advantage of the opportunities that are before them throughout the summer often enrich their lives in ways they could never have imagined. The chance to enhance existing skills and learn new ones while making new friends cannot be equaled.

Should I mention religion in my college essay

Should I mention religion in my college essay ACT SAT Prep and College Admissions Blog The short answer is this: it’s okay to discuss religion in your essay as long as the take-away (or values) promoted in the essay are universal. Here’s what I mean: In the past, I’ve had students write essay drafts that end with something like, “Since accepting Christ (or) learning to meditate (or) converting to Judaism, I’ve made it my goal to tell others about the difference that Christ/meditation/Judaism can make in their lives.” I call this the “missionary” essay. And it can be off-putting to readers, particularly to those who don’t share your religious beliefs (which, statistically speaking, is likely). Instead, discuss the values you gained through your religion. How? Step 1: Take a look at this Values List and ask yourself: what values have I gained through my religion? Examples: “Getting used to wearing a turban in ninth grade helped increase my self-confidence and, interestingly, my grades went up that year!” (or) “Feeling judged by my youth group leader helped me better understand how my friend must have been feeling about me; I realized I was essentially doing the same thing to her.” Check out those values: self-confidence and empathy. Nice! And anyone, no matter the religion or belief system, can get on board with those. Step 2: Make sure the values you’re discussing are non-obvious and specific. Obvious connections lead to boring essays. Examples: “Playing in the band at church helped me learn the value of working with others” (seen it!) or, “Volunteering at our mosque helped me develop myself personally” (super vague--say how!). Step 3: Get feedback from someone who does not share your religious belief. Once s/he has read the essay, ask the person: do you feel closer to me after having read that? If the answer isn’t “Yes,” or even if the person hesitates before responding, ask, “What would help you feel closer to me?” Step 4: Listen with your entire being. Stay curious. Step 5: Thank the person and go back to the drawing board. Because you are creative and original and you have something important to communicate. For more personal statement help, check out www.collegeessayguy.com.

CEO Interviewed by Dow Jones Journal

CEO Interviewed by Dow Jones Journal Tutorz.com CEO Dirk Wagner was interviewed by Dow Jones Journal Editor Missy Sullivan who is writing a story on the burgeoning online tutoring industry. During the interview Dirk provided a statistical data on the distribution of the main tutoring subjects. We are happy to be considered as one of the notable players in this market segment. says Dirk Wagner. When the full story comes out we will feature it on this blog. adds Dirk. This data presented in the distribution of tutoring subjects was taken from the last 5,000 tutoring requests (and not just from search data which is skewed due to spam and robot activity). As one might expect, the subject category of mathematics is the dominating category scoring 32% of all tutoring requests. Within this category algebra, calculus, statistics and geometry are the most frequent requested subjects. On place two of the subject categories are the English and science dead even at 17%. The most popular subject withing these categories are reading and chemistry, respectively. Although other sciences â€" physics and biology â€" follow close to chemistry in interest. Worth mentioning is a long tale in the sciences which includes somewhat more esoteric subjects like pharmacology, anatomy, genetics and neuroscience. On place three there are the language subjects (12%) out of which Spanish is the winner. It is followed by ESL (English as a second language), French and German. Reflecting the rising important of the largest U.S. trade partner, Chinese has become the 4th most often requested foreign language. The remaining subject categories are the test prep (GRE, ACT, SAT), music (piano, guitar) and computer subjects (JAVA, programming) as well as accounting and finance. The charts below illustrate our findings.

Cute Geometry Area of a Rectangle

Cute Geometry Area of a Rectangle Hi, folks! Last week we let our bunny tell us about the area of a triangle. This Monday we are going to learn a few interesting facts about rectangles. Rectangles come in the shape of four edges with four right angles (360 ° / 4 = 90 °). Did you know that rectangles have  long been considered as a perfect shape for any construction, especially for the religious building. It was the foundation of classical Greek temples and many of the Renaissance buildings. Rectangles are called the safest and the most correct shape among of all geometric shapes. Because of this they are  used in everyday life everywhere in homes, rooms, beds, tables, windows, doors, paintings, books, and many pieces of furniture. Now, how to compute the area of this cute bunny-shaped rectangle?   Just use following formula: S = ab Where: S â€" is the area of the rectangle; a â€" is the length of a short side of the rectangle; b â€" is the length of a long side of the rectangle. In case you want to know more about geometry find a good  geometry tutor  on TutorZ. Cute Geometry Area of a Rectangle Hi, folks! Last week we let our bunny tell us about the area of a triangle. This Monday we are going to learn a few interesting facts about rectangles. Rectangles come in the shape of four edges with four right angles (360 ° / 4 = 90 °). Did you know that rectangles have  long been considered as a perfect shape for any construction, especially for the religious building. It was the foundation of classical Greek temples and many of the Renaissance buildings. Rectangles are called the safest and the most correct shape among of all geometric shapes. Because of this they are  used in everyday life everywhere in homes, rooms, beds, tables, windows, doors, paintings, books, and many pieces of furniture. Now, how to compute the area of this cute bunny-shaped rectangle?   Just use following formula: S = ab Where: S â€" is the area of the rectangle; a â€" is the length of a short side of the rectangle; b â€" is the length of a long side of the rectangle. In case you want to know more about geometry find a good  geometry tutor  on TutorZ.

International Bilingual School at Hsinchu Science Park

International Bilingual School at Hsinchu Science Park International Bilingual School at Hsinchu Science Park International Bilingual School at Hsinchu -Science-Park (IBSH) is a highly competitive, academic-oriented college prep school founded in 1983. Situated in Taiwans Silicon Valley, the high-tech science-park, IBSH is a public, co-ed school (G1-12). IBSH is accredited by the ROC Ministry of Education and is administered by both the ROC Ministry of Education and the National Science Council. In addition, IBSH is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). IBSH operates on a two-semester system, with a 200-day school year. School begins in late August and dismisses in later June. Students attend classes from 7:40 AM to 4:10 PM. The day includes seven 50-minute classes, in addition to a 20-minute period when students organize to clean the campus and classrooms. IBSH students faced a rigorous 5-day week, 7 courses a day, schedule. We offer an AP curriculum and a variety of honors courses, in addition to regular courses. The school serves students in the English-speaking community who either seek an American college-preparatory education or plan to attend university in Taiwan. Students come from business, professional, government and diplomatic families. School History IBSH is established to serve children of the employees of the private enterprises in the Science Park, the academic and research institutions in the Greater Science Park Area and the government agencies as well as the children of the returning overseas scholars. Mission The International Bilingual School at Hsinchu Science Park takes pride in offering bilingual and bicultural education in a tight-knit community that encourages the pursuit of excellence. We aim to inspire students in becoming innovative, inquiring, and compassionate self-directed learners who strive to make a difference in the global community. Expected Schoolwide Learning Results IBSH will prepare its graduates to be: Bilingual and Bicultural Communicate effectively in Mandarin and English at appropriate proficiency levels Aware and appreciative of both Eastern and Western cultures and values Innovative and Inquiring Creative and adaptable problem solvers who seek challenge Active in acquiring knowledge and critical thinking skills to question and evaluate the world around them Compassionate and Global Demonstrate a caring and respectful attitude towards diversity Participate in serving both the local and international communities to bring about positive change Self-Directed Learners Implement effective organizational and time management skills to set strategic goals and complete tasks Continuously reflect on the learning process for self-improvement and growth